We saw lots of deer. Our first morning we had a 5x5 160 class IA deer about 40 yards away but could not get a clear shot. I was very proud of my boy when he made the decision not to sling a 50cal hunk of lead at a target that was moving and was in heavy cover. Earlier today we tried a little 2 man drive and post. He said I ran about a dozen deer out, including 1 very nice buck and 1 average 8 pt. Once again he did not have a good shot so he did not shoot.
The deer in the pic was shot after a 1 hr stalk, with about 50 yards of belly crawl. It was not the deer he was looking for but I told him it was a trophy. All in all a good 1st season 1 shot 1 dead deer. The deer was shot at about 65 yards wit a in-line muzzle loader. The young button dropped like a sack of taters.
Folks, even if you do not hunt or don't even own firearms, please have your children take a Hunters Safety Course. I don't try to force my views on anybody, but if your children have any contact with firearms, or have friends with access to firearms, a safety course could save a life. Enough of my banter. I hope to post some more of my stuff before late muzzle loader. Stay tuned.
Congratulations to you and your son! It is nice to get a big buck, but in the end you can’t eat antlers (sorry for the cliché). What kind of in-line are you using? I thought about trying one of those, but I can’t figure out where the flint goes…
You have been a bit quiet recently. Hope everything is ok and Happy New Year. Fenlander
Hey guys!
Sorry I missed this post, and that I'm so late with congratulations!
Here's to a lifetime of experience and to the ties that bind us!
Albert A Rasch
The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
Proud Member of Outdoor Bloggers Summit
Southeast Regional OBS Coordinator
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