Monday, October 27, 2008

Insulation Bed

Well folks here in Iowa, it got cold in a hurry!! So I thought this would be a good time to go over an insulation bed. The reason we want this? Warmth. If you can separate your self from the ground and create dead air space your good to go. To start with the bed we are making is semi permanent. That is why we are using the logs. All they really do is keep your bed from spreading out, and keep you from rolling off.

The next step is to put down a layer of small springy branches. In this case I used willow. You can use pine boughs as well. The key is to look at the natural bend in the branch and use it to keep you off the ground. I always stick the large end into the dirt if I can. This will give you more loft and the branches won't move.

The last step in this bed is to add another layer. I chose foxtail. You can use other grasses, cattails, dry moss, or anything else that will help to soften and insulate your bed.

Now that you have seen it get out and do it !!


Anonymous said...

You'd need a good bed tonight. I tis supposed to get down to 15 tonight!

Iowa Woodsman said...

Man it did get cold. I don't the exact temp, but it was supposed to be about 20. Pretty early for those kind of temps. By the way I'll send that book on Wednesday.

Fenlander said...

I've made several attempts at making a parachute tepee without much success. Any tips or advice?

Anonymous said...

Yup, I learned to make those a while ago but haven't tried it yet.
I mean to though--next time I get out to the woods!

Iowa Woodsman said...

fenlander, I have some time off this month. In that time I will try to scan the instructions from an old air force manual. If it works I will put it on this blog. If not I will do my best to explain it in a post. Thanks for the question.

Fenlander said...

That's great barnislavia! Thank you very much.

The Suburban Bushwacker said...
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